audio lectures

you heard it here first.

Purchase Diana Castle’s audio lectures on iTunes:
I AM and AUDITION OR OPPORTUNITY. Access the possibilities of YOU through the power and the daily practice of your empathetic imagination.

The Imagined Life® audio lecture –
Disc One "I AM"

Dear Professional Empathizer®, 

The heART in the actors art is empathy. Empathy is an act of imagination. You, the actor, are the single human being who tells the stories of all humanS being.

It is my heartfelt desire to support you in the work and play of opening your heart to The Imagined Lives inside of the empathic you.

The Imagined Life® is the practical application of your natural empathetic imagination to the art of acting. Nothing is created without the use of your imagination. Not dinner tonight- not hope for tomorrow. 

Imagination is the power of possibility. This power exists inside of you and will be accessed through the daily creative practice of widening your empathetic embrace.

My intent in this, the first audio lecture in The Imagined Life® series, is to awaken your empathetic heart - as well as to inspire and encourage you in your role as a professional empathizer® in the 21st century.


The Imagined Life® audio lecture –
Disc Two “Audition or Opportunity”

Dear Professional Empathizer®,

My intent in this, the second audio lecture in The Imagined Life® series, is to inspire and encourage your Mindset and Compassionate Empathy before you go to play on the playground.                   
It is my deepest hope that you will awaken your creative life to a widening embrace of empathy. Every story is a human story and every story that you share exists in the hearts of all humanS being.

In “holding the mirror up to nature” you, the actor, give us your audience, the gift of experiencing our many possible selves.

The story that you have the capacity to accept and embrace in yourself is the story that you have the capacity to accept, embrace, and share with others!

You create the world you play in®.

Have fun playing on YOUR playground!        

With Love,

Let’s do this together.

Experience the freedom, fun and transformative power of your empathetic imagination.